10 Best Hacking Apps for Wi-Fi

Today Wi-Fi has become one of the most used technologies in the world. This technology is being used by everyone to transfer wireless data which is one of the most interesting features and development in this section of technology. Wi-Fi could be used to transfer data internet from one device to another. But today we generally use the internet while using Wi-Fi.

As we all know today Wi-Fi is present almost everywhere and we are surrounded by different types of signals. Accessing these signals could be a profitable task for us. Also, there is much public Wi-Fi that could be used directly and does not require any password. But there are second cases of Wi-Fi called private Wi-Fi which is protected by password and cannot be accessed if you do not know the password. In this article, we are going to focus more on private Wi-Fi networks and how you could easily use them even if you do not know their passwords by using some of the hacking apps for Wi-Fi.

So let us check ok this amazing hacking app which you would find helpful.

Kali- Linux Nethunter

This is the most commonly used hacking tool for the desktop which is developed by the Linux operating system but now is maintained by offensive security private limited. This is the best software not only for hacking but also for penetrating the different operating systems and is therefore used by ethical hackers and developers. This app cannot be used on your Android device as it does not support such high and technical advanced software.

[custombutton url=”https://store.nethunter.com/en/” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]

Wi-Fi WPS WPA tester

This is the first Wi-Fi hacking app that is available on the Android play store and is developed by Saniorgl SRL to test the vulnerability found in the Wi-Fi network. It uses a different algorithm like bulking, dealing + 1, and easy box arcadian to crack the password of Wi-Fi. Also, you need a rooted smartphone if you want to see the password of the Wi-Fi. Do not worry if you do not have a rooted smartphone. You can still use this app and get connected to the Wi-Fi but cannot see its password.

[custombutton url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tester.wpswpatester&hl=en_US” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]

Aircrack Ng

This is one of the most trusted and reliable applications which is used by everyone around the world. This app is even used by hackers to penetrate the different operating systems to found out getting connections to the Wi-Fi. This application is widely used in different operating systems like Android and Ubuntu. And the reason behind this is the user interface which is based on Linux kernel. Therefore this application can even be used on your Android device. So any of your Android smartphones can be used to run this application. All you need is a rooted Android device and USB OTG adaptor. Also one of the most important tools is wireless USB adaptor. Install this app from the Play Store or directly from the website and follow the instruction to use this app.

[custombutton url=”https://aircrack-ng.org/downloads.html” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]


This is a network security and analysis app which is used by people all around the world. One of the most interesting facts about this is that it could be used on the different operating system including Android and windows. As it is used for the analysis of network it could even be used for finding a vulnerability and stealing password off the network. This app work for both rooted and non-rooted phone but give all facilities to rooted phone then a non-rooted phone.

[custombutton url=”https://nmap.org/” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]

Wi-Fi inspect

This app was developed for the inspection of the network at first. But now it gives a multi-tool operation. It is used by computer security personal, hackers and others who wish to monitor other data or to control their data. This app works only for rooted device and is a bit complicated. So you need some of the basic knowledge before using this application.

[custombutton url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lksystems.wifiintruder&hl=en_US” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]

Network Spoofer

This basically is not a hacking tool or password accessing tool but it is a spoofing tool which allows you to alter the website data on others computer or smartphone. It is easy to use, user-friendly and smaller in size but give effective result when used. It also does not require any e basic knowledge before using.

[custombutton url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.salareeky.macaddressspoofer&hl=en_US” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]


This is another amazing Wi-Fi analysis tool just like above. It is also used to find the vulnerability in the Wi-Fi network. It is also used to control and access your Wi-Fi network and another type of information. Not only the Wi-Fi router but also different devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network could be accessed and monitored by this app.

[custombutton url=”https://dsploit.en.aptoide.com/app” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]


This app could be very useful for you if you have an unprotected or open Wi-Fi network. This app helps you to keep monitor over a different guest who is using your Wi-Fi network. As the name itself suggest it is used to cut all the connection of people to your network. As already mentioned you can also monitor what people are downloading from your network and their browsing history. This app also gives a feature of blocking. Give you full control of your Wi-Fi network.

[custombutton url=”https://arcai.com/netcut/” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]


This app is also developed for testing and analysis of the Wi-Fi network. This helps in security and integrity of maintaining your Wi-Fi network. But you can easily crack a Wi-Fi password by using this app is this not only analyses your network but also suggest better security for the network. Therefore you can use this app to test your password.

[custombutton url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.wibrplus.wpsconnect&hl=en_US” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]

WPS connect

This application help in connecting to the Wi-Fi network which has WPS connectivity enabled or simply Wi-Fi routers. It becomes very easy to find out the password of such kind of Wi-Fi because they use a different gate to enter the network. It is very easy to use even if you are a newbie, you can use this app without any background knowledge.

[custombutton url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=teampro.wifi.wpsconnect&hl=en_US” target=”_blank” text=”Download”]

Final Verdict:

I hope you like this article and found it helpful. You can definitely install this app as mentioned above to definitely hack, analyze or network security. The hacking network of different people is illegal and this article does not promote hacking. All the apps mentioned above are used for network analysis.

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