So Before comparing with other Operating Systems OS, Let us see What is Android.
So What is Android how it is different from other OS Operating System?
Android is a Linux based operating system which is mainly used for touch screen mobiles like smartphones and tablets. The operating system has been developing since 15 years, they are started from black and white mobiles now they are altered into smartphones or minicomputers because one of the most using OS (Operating system) model is Android. Android is the most commanding operating system which consists of the large number of the applications mainly named as Android apps. Android app is a computer program which is designed to run the applications of the smartphone or tablet. The term “app” is a short name of the software applications which has become very popular. Now a days the mobiles which have featured with many apps will sell out soon. Most of those sold out mobiles having the several featured apps like pre-installed software programming’s such as contacts, email, games and also mapping program etc., Some pre-installed apps can be detached by using uninstall process, thus having more space for the respective apps. Even though every mobile can’t support all featured applications, for the needed applications there is a separate display space which can be able to download the needed applications or apps which is known as the app store. For mainly android mobiles that platform name is Google play or play store. There are different types of the apps are available like Android games, music, educational, and social media etc., However, due to the public demand now a days the software companies are mainly concentrated in these apps because this will reduce the manpower and do the work in an easier way so, apps plays the major role in the smartphones or tablets.