Backpage was evolved as a successful platform for all people to sell or buy goods. This site also helped to advertise ads, transactions and real estate. Backpage was established in 2004 and it offered many things to people and became a trusted website. People started using this widely to sell or buy goodies at cheap rates.
But in 2018 it was seized by US Department Of Justice as this Backpage was misused for child prostitution and human trafficking. It became a place for selling illegal things online. After facing many complaints, this Backpage was seized and shut down. Though it was seized, people keep on tapping their search bar for similar websites to post their classified ads with legal permission. So here I am going to list those similar websites which have the same function as Backpage. Let’s surf and find the right site that suits you.
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1. Craigslist
As Backpage, this craigslist is also an American based classified advertising website where you can access the content related to jobs, housing, buy/sell/trade, various community and discussion forums. It was founded in 1995 by Craig Newmark. This website was first started as an email distributed containing ads about the local events. Then very soon, he started to get many subscriptions and in 1996 it became a wide website offering other classified sections. Now it covers over 70 countries with 7 languages like English, French, German, Spanish and much more. If you are searching for jobs, go with craigslist because on this website you can directly contact the company. The fee for posting a job is minimal and searching for a job is completely free.
2. Classified ads
This is also the best alternative for Backpage. This is a website for advertising about cars, housing, real estate and other services. Unlike other sites it is totally free for both posting and searching jobs. It is very easy to use. This website has over 3 million unique viewers. Over the years it developed into a vast website covering many nations and helping people with its sources.
3. Kijiji
This website originated from Canada and evolved as a popular online classified advertising website. It is seen as a competitor to craigslist. It started its service in the US in 2007 and was made available to limited cities in the US. In 2010 it was changed to eBay classified. Sooner it starts printing it’s footprints across many nations. This website provides its service in the area of automobiles, jobs and much more. Though this website competes against popular websites they are not any lower to them. Posting of your job requirements and searching for a job is free of cost here.
4. Geebo
This website was established even before the Backpage by the US in 2000. Users can post their needs for free of costs. This site gives access to buy/sell/trade, jobs, housing and much more. It’s founder Greg Collier has been continually updating this site to give itself best over other websites. This is a simply organised tool that won’t put you in using much effort.
5. Olx
This is also an alternative to Backpage. This is the widely used application in many nations as it gives access to buy or sell anything free of cost. They only make fees for upgrading your ads, but it is not so necessary. This app has a unique feature that allows you to sell or buy things locally by locating your current location. You can enjoy it’s service without worrying about anything. In addition to all this, still they are trying to give their best to their users.
6. Luberpage
This is one of the best places if you don’t want to do much of your work in selling or buying things. You can use this application in all devices like Windows, Android, macOS and whatever else. The search engine works as social media’s searching by using hashtags. Yeah, you can search for that specific product that you need to buy using a hashtag. You can find your customers more quickly on this website.
7. Gumtree
Gumtree has its origin of British. This was founded in 2000 by Michael Pennington and Simon Coorkall. This site was well known in Australia and South Africa. The service is either free or costs some depending on the product or advertisement. This website was specially designed in the motto of joining Australians and South Africans who are in search of new employment. They are also publishing their ads on social media too.
8. Locanto
Are you looking for the best alternative for Backpage in 2020? Then this suits you. This application was first founded in Germany and now made available to over 60 countries. This website has a separate app for android and iOS. You can get quick responses for your ads because of million users. In India people extensively use this platform as matrimonial sites.
9. Offerup
It is a huge mobile driven application that suits better for android devices. As like in Olx, you can meet the buyers and get face-to-face interaction for the best experience. This focuses on people’s live interactions to get trust about their application. You are asked to pay when you post your ads here. The payment is also quite simple.
10. LetGo
Everyone who is looking for an alternative should have a look at this website. It was founded in 2005 by former CEO of Olx. A few major ad categories that easily allows you to search for the desired product more quickly. You can also share the product’s details to your friends through social networks. This works well in both Android and iOS.
You can find the best alternative to the Backpage by your location. Here I have listed the familiar apps and websites according to the nation. Find the best one and make your ads effective.